The Homes

Casa De Vida Senior Living is located at 4633 Denwood Rd., La Mesa,  CA,  and Casa De Vida Senior Living II is at 4560 Troy Ln. The homes are located just 10 houses apart from each other in an older area of La Mesa. Both houses are approximately 2200 square feet with 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms at Denwood for the residents and 4 bedrooms 3 baths at Troy Ln.

At the Troy Ln home (Casa De Vida II) we only offer private rooms for 4 residents. We have an overnight awake staff at that home also. The home has a lovely sitting area in the back as well as a wonderful front porch – deck area in the front.

The Denwood Rd house has 1 private room and 2 rooms that can either be private or shared.The back yard has ample room for sitting with family if desired or just enjoying the sunshine! 

The walls of the bedrooms in both homes are available for personal pictures and there is room for any other personal items to be brought from their former home to feel more comfortable.

This is your loved one’s new home and we want them to feel good about where they live!